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Following his wife’s death, President Eyring expresses gratitude, hope on social media

President Eyring wrote he was both ‘humbled and grateful’ for the prayers and service rendered to him and his family since Sister Eyring ‘passed onto the other side of the veil’

President Eyring sits with his arm around his wife, Sister Kathleen Eyring.

President Henry B. Eyring posts a photo of him and his wife, Sister Kathleen Eyring, on his social media platforms on Nov. 1, 2023. Sister Eyring died on Oct. 15, 2023.

Screenshot from Facebook

Following his wife’s death, President Eyring expresses gratitude, hope on social media

President Eyring wrote he was both ‘humbled and grateful’ for the prayers and service rendered to him and his family since Sister Eyring ‘passed onto the other side of the veil’

President Eyring sits with his arm around his wife, Sister Kathleen Eyring.

President Henry B. Eyring posts a photo of him and his wife, Sister Kathleen Eyring, on his social media platforms on Nov. 1, 2023. Sister Eyring died on Oct. 15, 2023.

Screenshot from Facebook

President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, paid tribute to his late wife, Sister Kathleen Johnson Eyring, and expressed both gratitude and hope in a post on social media Wednesday, Nov. 1. 

Despite feelings of sadness after his wife’s death, President Eyring said he can’t help but feel hope for the future because he knows the separation is temporary. “I am eternally grateful for our Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness and for our Savior’s atoning sacrifice that gives each of us the magnificent opportunity to live with our families for eternity. I know I will see my beautiful wife again,” he wrote in a post on his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts on Nov. 4.

Sister Eyring passed away on Sunday, Oct. 15, at the age of 82. 

In the social media post, President Eyring said his wife leaves a legacy of Christlike love “that will help mold the eternities of countless friends, family members, and neighbors.”

He also thanked those who have offered prayers, shared memories and provided service to him and his family. “Truly, you are among those ‘willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort’ (Mosiah 18:9).”

Sister Eyring’s funeral was held on Saturday, Oct. 21, in Bountiful, Utah. President Dallin H. Oaks, President Eyring’s fellow counselor in the First Presidency, both spoke and read remarks written by President Russell M. Nelson, who was recovering from a back injury but is now beginning to go back to the office.

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